Why does Galagic exist?
There are three things that brought me to the point of starting my own company:
Ideas worth building Over the years I’ve kept a note of interesting ideas but many have only been tangentially related to my day job. Now I am at the point of having the time and skills to build them.
Aligning effort with passion I have been lucky to have roles in the past that have been totally absorbing and I am the type to be consumed by my work. However this leaves little energy for anything else. I realised if I didn’t align my occupation with the ideas I wanted to pursue they would never happen.
Perfect working conditions The most productive times I’ve had were working in small teams that were left alone with a clear goal. However these moments have been short-lived. I want to create a working environment that is always agile.
What kind of software company will Galagic be? Free and sustainable:
Free As the use of computer technology grows in daily life so does the need for the software running it to be open, respectful and available to all. Free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) offers the best way to guarantee this.
Sustainable I was always struck by the idea of sustainable pace from Extreme Programming. This concept now has its equivalent in business: zebras. These are companies that aim for sustainable prosperity over exponential growth.